Monday 3 February 2014

Stress Busting Tips for Spring

January was a long month.  We all struggled with the returning to normal eating habits after Christmas, we went to work in the dark, came home in the dark.  But at last, according to the Gaelic calender, the 1st of February marks the official start of Spring. The evenings are getting brighter, and with more daylight comes the snowdrops, and nature shows signs of stiring again for another year.  So a few tips to get us through the month:

(1) Exercise-do what you enjoy!  Even if you can get out for a brisk 20 minute walk every morning or evening this will increase your endorphins (chemicals which create a feel good emotion in the body) and reduce the cortisol levels in your body.  (Cortisol is produced when the body is placed under stress).  Make sure to keep well hydrated and keep the lips well moisturized with a natural emollient as the climate is still harsh and can dry those lips out!

(2) Pamper Yourself- make some "me" time this month.  Life can be hectic and stressful, so it is important to maintain both your pysical and mental health.  Have a massage, or some form of complementary therapy that will alllow you to relax, get rid of the stress, and increase your energy levels.

(3) Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Try to substitue processed foods and high sugar snacks with snacks that are high in natural sugars.  For example bananas, grapes and strawberries.  Grab a bag of dried fruit or nuts to snack on instead of the bag of crisps in the petrol station.

(4) Here's the tricky one-Try to get more sleep!

The Mil Team

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