Sunday 21 August 2011

Well being - Menstrual Cramps - Natural Remedies

For most women at some point in their life they will experience menstrual cramps.  Menstrual cramps are usually dull pains that take place in abdomen. Most women encounter this kind of cramping just before and during their menstrual periods. While just a mild discomfort for many, others have to endure terrible pain.

Why do they happen and how do they feel
When you have a period, the uterus contracts in an effort to aid in pushing out the lining. Substances called prostaglandins trigger uterine muscle contractions.  The main signs of these menstrual cramps include a dull or throbbing pain found in the lower abdomen, and pain that travels throughout the lower back and thighs. Additional reactions may involve excessive sweating, nausea, and vomiting. 
Menstrual cramps will affect most women at some point in their lives. The symptoms can annoyingly make your day unpleasant or become so severe that your regular routine is disrupted. To ease the pain and discomfort associated with this condition, consider the following natural solutions:

Regular Exercise

Some people find that they can ease menstrual cramping by embracing sessions of routine exercise, as this practice increases the release of endorphins which are the bodies natural 'feel good' hormones and pain killers.   

Something warm on your abdomen

Place something like a hot water bottle (not too hot!), wrapped in a cloth on your abdomen.  The gentle heat helps muscles relax.

Hydrate yourself with pure water

Most people don't drink enough, but, it is known that being dehydrated worsens menstrual cramps.  So drink up to two litres of fresh clean water everyday , the bonus is that it is good for everything, hair, skin, nails, digestion and it will ease those cramps.  Drink little and often throughout the day for best effects.

Mineral Bath

Take a dip in your very own herbal spa treatment to relieve cramps. Comprised of one cup of sea salt and one cup of baking soda added to warm water, this home remedy works by relaxing your muscles. Soak for at least 20 minutes.

Cut back on caffeine:

Caffeine contained in tea, coffee, cola drinks, and chocolate can add to your menstrual cramping by increasing your nervous energy, so not too much!

 Fortacht, PMT Cramp Killer from Mil All Natural Balms

Oils Blends
Essential oil  are well reknown for their potency in aiding with many well being issues.  We at Mil All Natural Balms have created Fortacht, All Natural Blend to aid the relief of period pain and PMT.  The blend contains of juniper, geranium and clary sage essential oils, sweet almond oil and rosemary leaf extract.
Clary Sage is a good tonic for the womb.  It is a hormone balancer easing pre-menstrual tension and painful cramps in the lower back by helping muscles relax.  It is an overall tonic and has a balancing action on the body.  Juniper is a very effective diuretic and is well known for it's detoxifying properties.  It works well on the menstrual cycle, regulating periods and easing painful cramps. Geranium has a regulatory function on the hormonal system which makes it a useful treatment for pre-menstrual tension.  It quells anxiety, depression and lifts the spirits.  
Gently massage the oils into the abdomen and relax in a warm comfortable position until cramps subside.   You can also place a covered hot water bottle onto the abdomen which will increase the oil absorption and as we explained earlier, warmth on your abdomen can really help in anycase.
This blend is a very effective natural option in the treatment of period pain and PMT and it has a delightful scent as an added bonus!. 

We hope this helps

That is all from now

Ádh mór

The Mil Team

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